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Meet Sara, studying Spanish, and see why they chose Listen & Learn!
Sara Learns Spanish for her Spanish Holidays

Sara McCullum, 42, is a company director from the UK. She travels to Spain regularly and decided to start learning the language. This is her story:

Listen & Learn: Hi Sara, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today!
Sara: Hi there, it’s my pleasure.

Listen & Learn: Could you please tell us a little about yourself? When did you start with Listen & Learn and what did you study?
Sara: I am 42, and I’m a Company Director. I started studying Spanish with Listen & Learn in the summer of 2013.

Listen & Learn: Why? What were your reasons and goals?
Sara: I spend a lot of time in Spain on holiday, and really wanted to be able to converse more at a basic level. My goals were to be able to be polite and make myself understood whilst going about various day-to-day things.

Listen & Learn : Why did you choose Listen & Learn?
Sara: I found Listen & Learn online, along with several other options. Listen & Learn seemed to be the most professional, and when I began to enquire, very much lived up to my expectations.

Listen & Learn : Was Listen & Learn helpful?
Sara: Listen & Learn were extremely professional and accommodating. The time I had available, and my requirements were very specific, and quite exacting. I was very clear on how and when I wanted to learn. The company understood my requirements and they were able to provide me with an ideal solution, within a very short timeframe, to get me started.

Listen & Learn: What was the most helpful thing?
Sara: My teacher was punctual, professional, well prepared, friendly and personable. She was very accommodating with regards to the scheduling of my sessions, which were very intensive, and on weekends and in the evenings. This meant that I could maximise the time I had available for studying, rather than spend time travelling to the lessons. It worked really well for me, and enabled me to squeeze the course into the available time window I had.

Listen & Learn : Would you recommend Listen & Learn?
Sara: Absolutely. Everyone I have come into contact with has been exceptionally helpful and professional, and the level of service delivered across the team is first class.

Listen & Learn: And on a final note, what's your favourite saying in your new language?
Sara: “Es lo que hay!” which means, “It is what it is!”