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Political Body Language

The result of the United Kingdom’s General Election today has ended in the result predicted by the vast majority of the media. A hung parliament, where no party has won an overall majority, means that, for the next few days at least, everyone is unsure of whom the next Prime Minister is going to be. Although all of the party leaders have made statements, they are predictably ambiguous. In these circumstances it can be interesting, if not a little whimsical, to try and see what their body language is telling us.

Body language can, in the right circumstances, reveal more about what a person is thinking and feeling than what they say. Incumbent Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s tendency to fiddle with his notes is a telling sign that he is anxious. Unsurprising perhaps. There is also his tendency to purse his lips at the end of every sentence, a signifier that he wants his speech to come to an end. Attempting to hide one’s true feelings is never a simple matter when there are unconscious signs giving away one’s innermost true feelings.

All through the recent political campaigning the Conservative leader David Cameron has tried to appear professional, as he would, and attempts to project an image of leadership capability through carefully chosen words. Those who may be particularly inquisitive about these things may have been trying to observe his body language. He has the tendency to frown and lick his lips quite often, two quite distinct signs of distress. Although perhaps we should consider the fact that public speaking, and significantly in this instance where the stakes are high and there is a large amount of pressure, that this may not be all that surprising. No matter, if it is these signs that one tries to look out for then the signs are there for all to see.

Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg, has been looking sullen after his not quite as good as expected electoral result, including avert his gaze and looking down at the ground. These are all small signs and some are divided over their significance. Nevertheless, it shall be interesting to continue with this observation of their body language in the next few days, weeks and even months.